
Terms of Service

All Photos and Videos and rights relating to them, including copyright and ownership rights in the media in which the Photos and Videos are stored, remain the sole and exclusive property of Sheldon Estate & Aerial Photography, LLC. This license provides the Client with the limited right to reproduce, publicly display, and distribute the Photos and Video only for promotional or advertising purposes directly related to the leasing and/or sale of the Property including Client’s social media, website(s), e-mail and electronic promotions, printed materials, and online listing sites limited to the duration of the listing.

Photos used for any purpose not directly related to the leasing and/or sale of the Property must be with the express permission of Photographer and the payment of additional fees, unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Photos may be uploaded to any MLS listing service solely for promotion of the Property during the duration of the listing. However, regardless of any terms and conditions of the MLS, at no time does this Agreement provide Client with the right to transfer copyright, or any other exclusive rights as provided by the Copyright Act 17 U.S.C§ 106.